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The Human Virus

Did you know that the Covid Virus or any virus cannot spread within you? By itself no virus can spread. Now I am not talking about the spread from person to person. I am talking about the spread once it is inside our bodies. Until recently I didn’t know this fact. Not being around the medical field I just assumed that a virus comes in and fights our blood cells by itself. In that case if the virus cannot spread and become greater alone it would be easy for our bodies to fight it off. The problem is that viruses attack our good blood cells. They get into our good blood cells and replicate them to become just like them. The Covid-19 virus enters the lung area and attacks those cells. That is why the severity is so great. The lungs are an essential part of life. If we can’t breathe we cannot live. However the virus that people have acquired is the actual virus plus our own good healthy cells that have been turned into virus cells. The more that viruses multiply the more of our cells they have changed over and are actually fighting against us. That is how viruses spread.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Fall of the Rebel Angels - RMFAB 584 (derivative work).jpg

In the spiritual sense Satan works the same way as a virus. Way back there was a rebellion in heaven. Lucifer was one of the most powerful and beautiful angels but he had a problem. He decided that even though he was God’s creation he was greater than God. He convinced a third of the angels to join him in his rebellion and turn against God like he did. They were all thrown out of heaven because heaven could not be heaven in a divided state. Likewise your and my bodies cannot be healthy when there is a battle between the virus and us going on. Once Lucifer was kicked out of heaven he attacked God’s most beloved creation man. He showed up in the Garden of Eden disguised as one of God’s creations a serpent. How does Satan attack people? The answer is he attacks through their mind. Adam and Eve were told of all of the trees they could eat fruit from. There was one tree however they were told they couldn’t and that was the Tree of Knowledge. Guess which tree the deceiver convinced Eve to eat from? It was the Tree of Knowledge which put his advice in direct conflict with God. To convince them he attacked Eve’s mind. He doesn’t want you to eat of that tree because you won’t die (like God warned them) but you will become like God knowing good from evil. Eve partook and gave to Adam and he did the same. This is the first rebellion of the human race.

Do you remember the story of Job in the Bible? He was an outstanding God fearing man and God had blessed him with material wealth and a happy life. One time Satan was talking to God. God was telling Satan what an outstanding person Job was and Satan tried to pour his poison on the situation. He told God that the only reason that Job was God fearing and righteous was because of his prosperity that God had blessed him with. Satan was convinced that if Job was beset by adversity he would surely curse God. God gave Satan permission to attack Job with everything he could but was not allowed to kill him. Satan attacked Job’s body by giving him terrible sickness. Job’s oldest son’s house was ravaged by a strong wind. All of his children were partying there and they all were killed. Job’s friends all turned against him and told him he was cursed. Even Job’s wife asked him why don’t you just curse God and die? Job was literally attacked by his own loved ones. Through all of that Job steadfastly stayed on God’s side. He stated that “though he slay me, yet will I trust him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.” Job 13:15

Apple temptation Eva's hand reaching for the forbidden apple. A snake is hanging from the tree. Digital illustration. adam and eve with tree and snake stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Today as it has been throughout history a rebellion is going on. It is the attack of Satan. How does he attack? He attacks through our minds. Like viruses Satan is trying to turn our good into evil like he is. It might start small with a question but it can end in a complete rebellion. We are warned in Ephesians chapter 6 verses 11-13…11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Jesus also said that “and if a house is divided against itself it cannot stand.” Mark 3:25

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Like viruses the devil is trying to turn our good into evil. He is trying to cause a rebellion inside of us. He is trying to work in our minds to doubt our faith and the power of God. Stay strong and do not doubt. Doubt brings lack of trust which leads to rebellion. Your divided spiritual house will not stand because the enemy will use any opening to create a chaotic situation. If you have been deceived and have fallen from the faith of your youth remember that God still loves you and longs to have you back fighting for him! He will never leave us or forsake us. Like Job when we get tested we need to forge ahead in the battle and not be receptive to the lies of the enemy. There should be no doubt only trust! We need to fight hard for the right team and be steadfast in our hope and faith no matter how hard the enemy wants to change us into something we are not.

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3 thoughts on “The Human Virus

  1. This is an excellent message, Lewis, thanks for sharing. May our wonderful God bless you and your precious family. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  2. Thank you for the reminder Lewis.

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